my music

Here are some excerpts of compositions and recordings

Schuman & Barbara

For the Festival La Brèche

some moments of the show

voice : Marie Soubestre

piano : Romain Louveau

Festival La Brèche | See on YouTube


"Balade of Thomas the Rhymeur" - Extract from J.R.R. Tolkien's "Faërie"
for JL

voice : Fanny GEORGE

clarinet : Martin

cello : Vadim

Mon enfance


vlc : Gilles GOUBIN / cl : Gilles VUILLERME

voice : Jocelyne TOURNIER

Une petite cantate


voice : Jocelyne TOURNIER

Opera mon amour

music video for a baker friend in Germany

his "Konditorei" : OPERA

voice : Jocelyne TOURNIER

Le cabaret de Mlle Arthur

naughty and sophisticated chansons

some moments of the show

voice : Jocelyne TOURNIER

Jocelyne Tournier

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